Liebster Award Nomination

Joyful Stephanie has been so kind to nominate me for the Liebster Award! Thank you so much!!! Here’s the post to get to know an incredibly kind, caring and warm woman who posts on all facets of life and warmly embraces everyone! I should know as she has been so kind to me!

Here are the rules! (Although Stephanie shortened the questions to 4 and I think there’s leeway in how many we can nominate!)

General Rules of the Liebster Award

  • Thank the blogger who nominated you, and provide a link to their blog
  • Answer the 11 questions given to you
  • Nominate 11 other bloggers
  • Ask your nominees 11 questions
  • Notify your nominees once you have uploaded your post

Stephanie’s Questions for the Nominee (Me!) and since I like them, they’re for you too!

  1. Who do you feel the most comfortable with, and why?
  2. Who is the kindest person you know? Describe their kindness.
  3. What is your favorite blog that you’ve posted? Why?
  4. If there was a way you could infuse an act of kindness habit into the everyday life of all people in the world, this habit as natural as the daily action of brushing their teeth, what would that kindness habit be?

Here are my answers!

  1. Who do you feel the most comfortable with, and why? I feel most comfortable with my children and family/friends whom I trust. While my closest relationships have changed over time as we all evolved, I find that trust, love and kindness (as well as supportive) people are the ones I feel most comfortable with these days. Also, I am an avid animal lover, so whether it’s our pets at home, random wildlife or friends’ pets, I am also extremely comfortable with them as well.

2. Who is the kindest person you know? Describe their kindness. This one is hard for me because I don’t think I can choose just one person. Many people have been exceedingly kind and generous with me over the years of my life. They have held my hand through difficult times, listened patiently as I worked through relationships, and generously given their support and friendship to me. But if I had to choose one person, it would be my Mom who has chosen kindness and love always and for that, she has been my role model.

3. What is your favorite blog that you’ve posted? Why? As a relatively new blogger, I don’t think I’ve yet found a favorite. But I do like this one so far.

4. If there was a way you could infuse an act of kindness habit into the everyday life of all people in the world, this habit as natural as the daily action of brushing their teeth, what would that kindness habit be? I really like this question because it’s easy to answer! SMILE!!! The act of smiling at someone else is free to do. It’s good for your facial muscles. It helps to connect those who are sharing a smiling moment. It’s an act of friendship. You can smile with everyone. It is my daily action because it’s so contagious! Smile at another person and they usually smile back. It’s a feel-good action for you smiler and the smile(e)!

My nominees are:

I think these awards are so much fun because they allow us to share other blogs that we enjoy reading and connecting with their authors! I hope you don’t mind that I did a shortened version like JoyfulStephanie did!

Please feel free to be nominated by me and just link back here so I can read your answers! I love getting to know you all!

Have a great day!!

Published by Joyful Change With Yvonne

Joyful Change is embracing the journey to health and wellness of mind, body and spirit. Sometimes we need a little hand holding and support as we process life school. I am here to help you as a Companion and Mentor.

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